Source: Dredging Today
October 20th 2016
The Board of Directors of the Cleveland-Cuyahoga County Port Authority (Port of Cleveland) last week approved acceptance of grants totaling over $180,000 to advance three critical infrastructure projects.
Supporting security, sediment management, and planning for the stabilization of Irish Town Bend, the grants demonstrate widespread support for the port’s strategic infrastructure investments.
The port applied for, and was awarded, a 2016 Port Security Grant Program (PSGP) grant through the Department of Homeland Security.
Projects include stabilizing Irish Town Bend.
The Board also accepted an $80,000 Transportation for Livable Communities Initiative grant (TLCI) from NOACA for planning efforts to stabilize and re-envision Irish Town Bend, a hillside with a 40-year history of threatening a collapse into the Cuyahoga River.
The port partnered with Ohio City Inc. (OCI) to successfully seek the grant to help plan for stabilizing the site while also better connecting it to the Ohio City neighborhood and potentially creating a new public asset such as a park.
The port and OCI will each contribute an additional $10,000 to the $1000,000 project budget.